Although most people don’t give much thought to them, ceiling tiles are incredibly important. They are there to help reduce noise, make your space look more aesthetically pleasing, and can even prevent fire from spreading from room to room. All in all, ceiling tiles are incredibly beneficial and useful. There are different types of ceiling tiles, so before purchasing ceiling tiles for your business, be sure that you know what to look for.
Different Types of Tiles
Ceiling tiles come in many different types. Some are created specifically with aesthetics in mind, while others serve to soundproof a room. Before choosing a tile, take into consideration what your priorities are. If you want your ceiling tiles to match the décor of the rest of the room, then consider decorative tiles. However, if safety is your biggest concern, you may want to get ceiling tiles that are specifically fireproof. For ceiling tiles that create a soundproof room, Armstrong ceiling tiles are your best bet.
Moisture Resistant Tiles
If you live in a particularly humid area or work in a humid environment, you may want to consider installing moisture-resistant tiles. These tiles can also be used in areas that typically have a lot of moisture in them, such as bathrooms and even kitchens. These tiles are typically made from metal or PVC, which makes them naturally moisture-resistant. Even better—they are still able to provide you with some decent soundproofing.
Antimicrobial Tiles
If you work in a healthcare environment that needs to be cleaned and sanitised on a regular basis, you will want to consider getting antimicrobial tiles. Because of the fact that these tiles are coated in a layer of PVC, they are easy to scrub clean, so you can remove any contaminants that may be lingering about.
Decorative Tiles
Many people tend to get ceiling tiles specifically so that they can add an extra touch to the aesthetic of the place. There are some ceiling tiles that are specifically made with gorgeous designs that are sure to make any office space look chic and luxurious. The only thing to consider here is that decorative tiles tend to be a bit more costly than other tiles. However, if getting the perfect look to your office space is important, then it will be worth it to splurge a little.